Isle of Man Sport Lecture Series
Launched in 2013 the inaugural lecture featured writer, broadcaster and journalist Matthew Syed. As well as an Olympian table tennis player Syed's lecture held at the Manx Museum provided insights into his book "Bounce" which delves into the environmental ingredients required for success.
Many guests have since visited our Island and shared their stories about sport performance and physical activity and we are very lucky indeed that some have agreed to have their presentations recorded so that our sporting community can benefit from their wisdom long into the future.
2019 Isle of Man Sport Lecture
Prof Damian Hughes - The Barcelona Way
Using the lens of professional sport, Professor Damian Hughes looks at the importance culture plays in the effectiveness of highly successful organisations such as FC Barcelona under the leadership of Pep Guardiola.
2018 Isle of Man Sport Lecture
Andy Grant - Dealing with Adversity
Andy Grant is no stranger to trauma and adversity in life. Andy lost his mum to leukaemia when he was just 12 years old and at aged 17 he left school after a week of starting his A-levels to join the Royal Marines Commandos and toured Iraq and then Afghanistan where he was blown up by an IED while out on patrol resulting in Andy having to make the choice to amputate his leg. Not to be defined by his circumstances, Andy made the choice to take his life in both hands and trough the medium of sport he has achieved some pretty amazing things!
2015 Isle of Man Sport Lecture
Jack Maitland - The Art of Endurance
Coach to triathlons famous Brownlee Brothers Alistair and Jonathan, Jack takes us through the history of the famous Leeds Triathlon Centre and the intricacies of pulling together a team of world class practitioners who would go on to dominate the world of triathlon.