Isle of Man Athletics are pleased to share their new Volunteer Award Scheme that officially kicked off on 1st June 2024!

The scheme aims to recognise and reward the incredible contributions of the dedicated volunteers at club events across the Isle of Man, to keep the sport thriving. It is the latest innovation of the new Isle of Man Athletics Development Officer, Ollie Lockley, who started his role in December 2023, following the Isle of Man Athletics Association (IOMAA) receiving support from Isle of Man Sport’s Sport-Specific Development Officer funding programme.

We caught up with Ollie to find out more about this new scheme and how people can get involved!

Tell us a little bit more about the IOMAA’s new Volunteer Award Scheme. What is it and how did it come about?

The IOMAA’s Volunteer Award Scheme, proudly supported by Altenar, is a fantastic initiative designed to retain and increase volunteers within club athletics on the Isle of Man. The scheme aims to recognise and reward the incredible contributions of our dedicated volunteers at club events to keep the sport thriving.
For every event someone helps out at, whether it’s marshalling, officiating, judging, organisin
g the event, or providing general assistance; every event you volunteer at with a local athletics club will count towards earning rewards. Volunteers reaching milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50 stamps can convert these into kit and merchandise as token of our appreciation for your dedication and hard work. Moreover, each event you volunteer at also earns you one entry into our annual tombola, which includes the opportunity to win a grand prize, which will be awarded at an annual IOMAA “Thank You” volunteers evening.

Why should people get involved?

Volunteering with local athletics clubs on the Isle of Man offers numerous benefits, both for the community and for the volunteers themselves. Here are several reasons to get involved:

Community Benefits

Strengthening Community Bonds: Volunteering helps to bring people together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. It helps to build strong relationships among residents.
Supporting Local Athletes: Local club athletics rely on volunteers to function effectively. By volunteering, you help provide essential support to athletes, enabling them to train and compete.
Youth Engagement: Athletic clubs provide young people with positive activities and opportunities for personal growth. Volunteering ensures these programs can continue and thrive, offering young people a constructive outlet for their energy and talents.
Promoting Health and Wellness: Athletic clubs encourage physical activity, which is essential for overall health and wellness. By supporting local athletics clubs, volunteers help promote a healthy lifestyle within the community.

Personal Benefits
Skill Development: Volunteering can help you develop new skills or hone existing ones. This could include coaching, event management, fundraising, communication, and leadership skills.
Networking Opportunities: Volunteering in local athletics can expand your social network, connecting you with like-minded individuals, community leaders, and potential professional contacts.
Sense of Achievement: Contributing to the success of local athletes and clubs can be incredibly rewarding. Seeing the positive impact of your efforts on the community and individual athletes can provide a strong sense of accomplishment.
Mental and Physical Health: Volunteering is known to have mental health benefits, including reducing stress and increasing feelings of happiness and purpose. Additionally, being involved in athletics often means staying physically active, which has its own health benefits.
Giving Back: For those who have benefited from community and club athletics in the past, volunteering is a way to give back and ensure that others can have similar opportunities.

Specific to the Isle of Man
Unique Island Community: The Isle of Man has a close-knit community where local involvement is especially impactful. Volunteering here means making a significant difference in a relatively small community.
Cultural and Heritage Promotion: The Isle of Man has a rich cultural heritage, and local athletics are part of that. Volunteering supports the continuation of these traditions and promotes local pride.
Event Hosting and Participation: The Isle of Man hosts various unique athletic events, such
as the Parish Walk and other local competitions. Volunteering helps ensure these events are well-organised and successful, enhancing the island's reputation and community spirit.
In summary, volunteering with local club athletics on the Isle of Man offers substantial benefits, enriching both the community and the individuals involved. It’s an opportunity to make a meaningful impact, develop personally and professionally, and be part of a supportive and dynamic community.

How can people get involved and where do they get a loyalty card from?

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact your athletics club to learn how you can help. If you are not a member of an athletics club, you can reach out to Ollie Lockley, the Isle of Man Athletics Development Officer, for more information on volunteering.

Loyalty cards can be obtained from your club or directly from Ollie. These cards will also be available at the check-in desk at club events, where you can also collect stamps for your volunteer efforts. Once you reach a milestone, you can pick up your reward from your athletics club or from Ollie.

If anyone wants to get involved in Athletics, what opportunities are there outside of volunteering and how can I get involved? 
Getting involved in athletics offers a range of opportunities beyond volunteering, catering to various interests and commitment levels. Here are some ways you can get involved in athletics:

Joining a Club
Training: Many athletic clubs offer training sessions for different levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. You can join these sessions to improve your fitness, learn new skills, and meet like-minded individuals.
Competing: Clubs often participate in local, regional, and national competitions. Joining a club can give you the opportunity to compete in track and field events, cross country, road races, and more.
Social Member: If you enjoy the social aspect of athletics but do not wish to compete or train intensively, many clubs offer social memberships. This allows you to participate in social events, support the club at competitions, and be part of the athletic community on the Isle of Man.

Becoming a Coach
Coaching Courses: To become a coach, you need to complete coaching courses offered by England Athletics. These courses provide the necessary training and certification to coach at various levels.
Coaching Assistant: Start as an Coaching Assistant to gain experience. This role involves helping with training sessions, providing feedback to athletes, and learning coaching techniques.
Athletics Coach: With sufficient experience and certification, you can become an Athletics Coach, responsible for planning training programs, managing athletes, and coaching an array of different athletic disciplines

Officials Training: Take courses to become a certified athletics official. Officials are essential for ensuring competitions are conducted fairly and according to the rules.
Event Officiating: Once certified, you can officiate at various levels of competitions, from local meets to national championships. Roles include timekeeping, measuring distances, and ensuring rule compliance.

Administration and Management
Club Administration: Get involved in the administrative side of athletics by taking on roles such as club secretary, treasurer, or committee member. This involves organising events, managing finances, and supporting club operations.
Event Management: Help organise and manage athletic events. This can range from small local meets to large-scale competitions, involving tasks such as logistics, marketing, and volunteer coordination.

How to Get Started
By exploring these various opportunities, you can find an athletics role that matches your interests, skills, and commitment level. For more information, please contact Ollie Lockley at to discover the most suitable role for you.