The programme aims to continue supporting young people aged 16-22, or those older athletes who show potential despite relatively low training ages, with the development of key performance skills and behaviours through 1-2-1 and group based activities. The programme has been developed following the publication of the Small Island Migration research performed by TASS in 2021. The results of this research can be found here.
The PDP is a multi-year programme with entry and progression criteria, related to sporting performance, coming into place from October 2024. These criteria will be aligned to the Sport Aid Performance Athlete Grant (PAG) criteria and can be found here.
Isle of Man Sport will deliver the programme with Isle of Man Sport Aid providing grant assistance to those identified as progressing well within their sports and who would benefit from additional training or competition opportunities.
There will be a maximum number of 25 places will be available on the programme from October 2024 for those in FT education on the Isle of Man and a further 25 places (max) available for those in work (on or off island) or in full-time education in the UK or further afield. In October 2024 the selection process for the on-island school based PDP recipients took place and the recipients can be found here. Between October 2024 and April 2025 the in work/off-Island education cohort will be reviewed and the numbers currently receiving support will be reduced to 25.
NB - Cohorts of 50 in the PDP is the maximum number that can be effectively and appropriately supported at any one time.
Support for athletes in the PDP will be driven by their Individual Performance Development plan which IoM Sport staff will support in the creation and delivery of alongside the athlete and the athletes coach.
Athletes on the PDP will be able to access:
- 1-2-1 Performance service support towards delivery of a bespoke performance delivery plan including access to the High Performance Centre Gym
- Workshops delivered by IOM Sport Staff, TASS and athlete peers
- Athlete Webinars
- Application process for Sport Aid grant support
- If the athlete is in FT education on the Island they will receive dual-career support from identified staff within each of the Island's High schools (and UCM) and IoM Sports Student-Athlete Development Co-Ordinator
- If the athlete is off-Island or not in FT education performance lifestyle support will be provided by the IoM Sport's Sport Performance Coordinator
Dual Career support and academic flexibility