Policies and procedures: Signposting and reporting processes:

CPSU Sample Safeguarding Policy Statement

CPSU Putting Safeguards in Place

Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures Templates

Isle of Man Sport Safeguarding Policy

Isle of Man Sport Safeguarding Procedures

Example flowcharts:

CPSU Safeguarding Reporting Procedure Flowcharts

Isle of Man Sport Safeguarding Flowchart

Example decision trees:

Isle of Man Sport Safeguarding Decision Tree

Incident report forms:

CPSU Incident Reporting Form

Isle of Man Sport Safeguarding Incident Form

Safer recruitment, DBS checks and Safeguarding training: Anti-Bullying:

Safer recruitment:

CPSU Safer Recruitment advice

Ann Craft Trust Safe Recruitment Process

DBS checks and Safeguarding training:

Sport England Club Matters DBS training and Safeguarding checks

Disclosure and Barring Services - guidance on DBS checks

Isle of Man Sport Coach Education Programme - Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshops

Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) Tools and Resources
Codes of conduct: Other:

CPSU Sample Codes of Conduct for Parents, Children and Staff

Disability Sport Wales Athlete Code of Conduct (EasyRead)

Disability Sport Wales Parents and Carers Code of Conduct (EasyRead)

Disability Sport Wales Coaches Code of Conduct (EasyRead)

Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding FAQ's

CPSU Safeguarding Self-Assessment

CPSU Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled Children information and resources

There are several organisations who can provide further advice or guidance to individuals, sports clubs and Governing Bodies of Sport in relation to Safeguarding matters. 

NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

phone: 0808 800 5000 / 0800 1111 (Under 18 - Childline)

email: help@nspcc.org.uk

website: https://www.nspcc.org.uk

CPSU (Child Protection in Sport Unit)

email: cpsu@nspcc.org.uk

website: https://thecpsu.org.uk/


phone: 999 (Emergency) / 01624 631212 (General Enquiries)

website: https://www.iompolice.im/

Isle of Man Safeguarding Board

phone: 01624 687365

email: safeguardingboard.co@gov.im

website: https://www.safeguardingboard.im/

Ann Craft Trust

phone: 0115 951 5400

website: https://www.anncrafttrust.org/