Since being established in 1991 the Isle of Man Sport Aid Charity has been providing funding, access to performance service staff and access to performance facilities to those individuals from our Island with aspirations to excel in Sport on the World Stage.  We are proud, not only, of the small part we have played in the journey of some of the Island's former and current sporting Icons but also of how we have also been able to support a breadth and depth of sports over the previous 20 years.  Not everyone makes it to the top in their sport therefore we aim for our support and the programmes linked to our support offer support, practical advice and opportunities to develop performance behaviours that will stand recipients in good stead regardless of how their career in sport unfolds.

Our support over the years would be impossible without the a range of fantastic sponsors and donors working in partnership with us.  Our partners and ourselves are proud to provide the Island's highly motivated, committed and high potential athletes with the additional opportunities required to prepare for, and compete at national, international and world level, whilst we play our part in promoting the Isle of Man as a centre of sporting excellence.

With thanks to our current sponsors: